CLP assisted in the sale of Norsk Bioenergi to the Solör Bioenergy Group
CLP assisted Rune Isachsen Holding AS and Entrenor AS in the sale of 100 % of the shares in Norsk Bioenergy AS to Solör Bioenergy Group.

CLP assisted Rune Isachsen Holding AS and Entrenor AS in the sale of 100 % of the shares in Norsk Bioenergy AS to Solör Bioenergy Group.
The CLP team consisted of Partner Amund Erdal, Senior Associate Lars Strøm Killengreen and Associate Julie Reinfjord.
Norsk Bioenergy AS is a Norwegian nationwide provider of bioenergy-based district heating holding 39 heating facilities with an annual contracted delivery of renewable energy of app. 180 GWh.
Combined with Solör Bioenergy Group’s Norwegian heating facilities, the portfolio will have the biggest footprint of the bioenergy-based district heating companies in Norway.
Solör Bioenergy Group, is a leading player in renewable energy based on wood fuels with over 465,000 users every day. The company is located at 226 sites delivering app. 2.5 TWh thermal energy, primarily in Sweden and Norway, where they produce and distribute district heating, steam and electricity to homes, companies, public enterprises and industries. The business also includes energy recovery of impregnated wood and production of biofuel. By making use of the forest’s resources, Solör wants to make way for a sustainable society with reduced carbon dioxide emissions.